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Egg Retrieval


Updated: May 22, 2019

I had my egg retrieval on Friday. I was the first appointment of the day. Charlie and I arrived at the hospital at 6:30 am for a 7:15 retrieval. I was happy that it was early in the morning. My Mom came over at 5:30 to watch Brendan while we went to the hospital which was about 45 minutes away. They made sure I had not eaten or had any fluids since midnight the night before. The nurse was amazingly kind and made me feel comfortable. I was scared and worried about going under anesthesia. They gave me valium as soon as I got into the room to prep for surgery. They put in my IV for meds (it took 3 attempts) I have hard veins for blood retrieval, so my arms are really bruised from the last couple of weeks. The anesthesiologist came in and told me what to expect. He said that I would basically go to sleep with the twilight anesthesia and at the end of the procedure would be easily awaken. The doctor came in and said hello and asked if I was ready. They had me walk into the room and sit in the procedure chair. I said I was nervous, and the anesthesiologist said I am going to start mixing your cocktail. That is all I remembered until the doctor was calling my name to wake me up. The whole procedure was 20 minutes. Charlie was waiting for me when I was wheeled back in the room. They told me that they had gotten 10 eggs! 2 more than they had thought they would retrieve. By the end of the day they had called and let us know that 7 of the 10 were viable eggs. Saturday, they called and said that out of the 7, 6 fertilized. They had thought that 5 would fertilize so that was good news. In my mind we were 1 ahead.

This morning they called to give an update and out of the 6 that fertilized, 4 were progressing. 2 stopped progressing on Sunday. 2 were great, 1 was good, and 1 was slightly fragmented and could have issues progressing. We were told likely 50% would mature to blastocysts but it still made me sad. They will continue to monitor all the fertilized eggs in case any start to make progress. The daily update is so nice, but it is also so stressful. My heart aches with anticipation and fear but also hope and love. It is the weirdest feeling I have ever felt and is so hard to describe.

It sounds weird, but I never thought I could love my son more than I do but I feel like I do going through this process. I feel like my heart has grown even more and that I appreciate every single part of him which I did already but it feels different in some way. Every hair on his head, every single ounce of every moment is something I will never take for granted. This process has made me grow and for that I am grateful. I was not intending for this post to seem sad but reading it over it has that tone unintentionally. I think that is because this process can seem and sound sad. I am trying with my whole heart to only look at the positive and focus on all the ways that this is a good thing that has happened to me and my family.

Also, for those wondering how I felt after surgery, I was just tired. I napped for several hours and went to bed for the night at 7 pm. The next day my ovaries were sore, but I was ok. Nothing too horrible. I am still bloated and look chunkier than normal but nothing some loose clothes won’t fix.

I will keep everyone posted as we get another update on Wednesday. At that point it will be day 5 and the embryos could be ready. They will monitor them through Day 6 as they often need a little extra time. Then they will be sent out for genetic testing and it will be a 2 week wait from that point.

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