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It feels like you are being kicked in the vag


Updated: May 21, 2019

It feels like you got kicked in the vag…..WAIT, WHAT?!?

Yea, you heard that correctly! In tough appointments a good laugh is needed, and this response gave me some shock and awe but also a smile.

Days 9-11 were tough. I started to get cramping and bad bloating on day 9 and by day 11 I felt awful. Monday when I went in the eggs that were progressing lowered to 6 and my retrieval date was pushed out to Friday. This meant more medication (over 1k a day) which also just adds stress and disappointment. Wouldn’t it be nice to have in infinite amount of money?!? I always say I would be the best millionaire. Haha! My heart was a little broken even though I know that is unreasonable because I should just be focused on being grateful to have eggs that are progressing and that the doctor is still thinking egg retrieval. I found out that many times women go through this beginning process and if the doctor does not feel confident that they will get the eggs they need than they cancel and start the process over. My heart aches for anyone that goes through that scenario. Going through this process has opened my eyes to so many situations and a piece of my heart will always be with individuals that have to go through this process. I digress, anyway after hearing this news I asked about the retrieval and what to expect and my nurse (who has gone through IVF) told me about the twilight anesthesia. Then she said, when you are with it again you will feel like you got kicked in the Vag! I thought I heard her wrong, but she said it 3 times during our conversation. And in that moment, it was what I needed. I needed to lighten up and laugh. I was still crabby when I left my appointment and I decided to go through Starbucks. I must have looked miserable because the car in front of me bought my coffee. I think things happen in moments where you need them most. This small act of kindness really helped shift my mindset for the rest of the day. I continued my Gonal F, Menopur, and Ganirelix shots Monday and Tuesday (I had to order more meds) and had another appointment Wednesday morning. #ivfjourney #ivf #ivfmeds #ivfwarrior #infertility #gratefulheart #prayingforamiracle #ttc #ivfcommunity #ivfsupport #ivfblog

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