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Mock Transfer


I did not even know that a mock transfer was a thing but it is and it gets me one step closer to the actual transfer.

So what is a mock transfer? It is a trial run for the actual embryo transfer. It allows the doctor to insert a catheter into the uterus and see exactly where the embryo should be placed. My doctor took pictures and said that the purpose was to also make sure that there were no road blocks that were undetected. Sometimes inserting the catheter can be difficult, there could be scar tissue, or even a fibroid that they would want to see and almost get a practice run for the actual transfer. I am a firm believer in practice makes perfect, so mock transfer away.

I had to take a pregnancy test before I came in today and took some ibuprofen. Next step is to start Lupron injections in a couple weeks/June 23rd. Then I add injections of Estradiol on July 6th / 3 times a week and then finally I stop Lupron and add Progestrone on 7/20 once a day and then move to twice a day on the 24th. I will keep taking the Estradiol 3 times a week. These shots will be injected into my back. I also found out that I will continue the Estradiol and Progestrone shots through the first trimester of pregnancy. I can honestly say that I find out something new with almost every appointment.

I think the best part about this portion of the process is that there are only 3 visits with the doctor before the transfer versus every other day with the stim phase. As much as I love the staff at my office, the stress of going every other day was a lot. I am looking forward to seeing them once a week.

Tentative transfer is July 25th and I am so ready! My focus the next month and a half is to get myself as healthy as possible. They told me to expect some weight gain and bloat which I am trying to offset which is what I did for the stim phase and I believe that it contributed to me not feeling that bad. If all goes well and the transfer happens on July 25th, my pregnancy date will be marked as July 5th. This is determined by the first day of last period, just like a normal pregnancy. 44 days and counting until transfer day! Lots of prayers in the meantime. #balancinglife #ivfjourney #ivfmeds #gratefulheart #infertility #1in8 #prayingforamiracle #ttc #ivfsupport #ivfcommunity #ivfblog

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